Inauguration of a collective Artwork in Chibougamau
April 20, 2022 – Today, the Centre d’études collégiales à Chibougamau (CECC) launched the
exhibition of a collaborative work of art by Cree artist Jimmy Tim Whiskeychan and Jamesian
artist Stéfanie Thompson. The vernissage, which was attended by over 60 guests,
demonstrated the importance the CECC places on building bridges and forging links between
Cree and Jamesian citizens.
The significant amount of time the two artists spent at the CECC was very much appreciated
by the entire college community. Stéfanie Thompson and Jimmy Tim Whiskeychan not only
presented their respective artistic approaches and careers as speakers at a conference, but
also led a creative art workshop that was attended by students from the CECC and Wiinibekuu
School in Waskaganish.
The event also provided the opportunity to launch the Mîchiwâhp, a feature created as a
warm, welcoming and safe gathering place for Cree students. The college sought and
encouraged the participation of members of the Cree Nation throughout the process of
creating this culturally significant, Indigenous space.
It is also possible to see the works during the opening hours of the Centre d'études collégiales à Chibougamau (CECC) located at 110 Obalski street.